
Home Bach Flower Remedies RESCUE REMEDY



A Combination of Five Remedies, Star of Bethlehem, Rock Rose, Clematis,

Cherry Plum & Impatiens is called RESCUE REMEDY. Dr. Bach used in all

cases of emergencies. It is most valuable in cases of Shock in both mental

and physical, Hysteria, Fainting, Burns, Nightmares, Great pain, Terror,

Panic and the after effects of Accidents, Falls and Blows.

It is a True First Aid Remedy.

DOSAGE :- 4 drops in a tablespoonful of water or fruit juice, first thing in the morning last thing at night and twice during a day before meals to gain full effect. The dose should be held in the mouth a moment or so before swallowing . When necessary the dose can be repeated every 15 minutes until the patient feels relieved.